Plumbing and a Hasty Escape

There comes a time in every renovation of every old house where the words “to code” are whispered, then shouted. As expected, that happened here. To be clear, most codes we like and agree with. This code, requiring that one’s plumbing be properly “vented” will relieve us of clogged sinks. (I originally heard properly vetted, which is always terrifying for monkeys, cats, and dogs.) However the venting required some clever puzzle solving.

Two elbows! Can you see them?

A slightly larger wall is built for the extra elbows and such. Such creativity requires a lack of running water and a few days later, inspections. We decamped to our favorite hotel chain. The staff here (and when we travel to more exotic  locales than South Portland) are always accomodating and cheerful, no matter the composition of our party.


Our party.


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