Day Three: Demo Unceasing

Demo continues unabated. It’s as if the house is disgorging unwanted and uneeded parts on a daily basis. We found a newspaper from 1986 in the kitchen walls. A terrifying wire connected to the doorbell might be 60 years old. Clues about various remodels and indignities to the house continue to reveal themselves.

Surprise wiring found in old pantry closet.

Six layers of flooring were found in the kitchen, explaining our step up of two inches to access the kitchen. Two inches may not seem like much, but when you are eight inches tall, it’s more than a bit daunting.

1950s linoleum!

Under the layers, we finally found fun linoleum, blue with a red border and under that Douglas Fir floors, which are sadly not salvagable. In fact, they were weirdly damp and soggy. Another mystery to solve! Purple has been putting his detective skills to good use. (Who can forget Purple’s Poirot phase? Or the year he went undercover?)

Purple undercover. Clearly.

His snooping around a live construction site alarmed friends and family. A trip to the Carhart store for diminutive orangutans was arranged.

Purple can now snoop in safety. Although the flared overalls are a bit of a concern. I’m not sure those are OSHA approved.  Alterations may become necessary.

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