Today demo accelerated to a speed usually reserved for race courses. Purple went downstairs to make his customary morning hot chocolate, with banana infused whipped cream… to find a kitchen much altered.
In fact, our entire kitchen, back hall, and downstairs bathroom required quarantine measures for most of the day.
I found myself navigating a new terrain. The closet is gone. When I say gone, I mean it has disappeared. It has vanished into the ether. I cannot say where it went or if it will be back. It’s as if the wardrobe, instead of staying stalwartly behind, traveled with Lucy to Narnia. I do hope our closet is having a fine adventure somewhere.

As Purple and I toured the new parameters of the kitchen, we made a startling discovery. Wherever our closet has ventured off to, the pantry has joined it! Oh what fun they must have be having together.
Editor’s Note: Probably best not to tell Monkey and Purple where the closet and pantry have gone to. He’s in a bit of a fragile state.
That is seriously wild.
It’s certainly not domesticated.