Demo continues unabated. It’s as if the house is disgorging unwanted and uneeded parts on a daily basis. We found a newspaper from 1986 in the kitchen walls. A terrifying wire connected to the doorbell might be 60 years old. Clues about various remodels and indignities to the house continue to reveal themselves.
Day Two: More Demo
Today demo accelerated to a speed usually reserved for race courses. Purple went downstairs to make his customary morning hot chocolate, with banana infused whipped cream… to find a kitchen much altered.
Day One: Demo
I was equipped with powerful tools. Upon discovering that said tools are taller than I am, said tools were unceremoniously stripped from my mighty paws and I was set to other tasks.
We’ve been dreaming for a long time
In fact, in 2011, we made a video, intending to send it to HGTV. Fortunately, for the good people at HGTV and their sanity, this did not occur. Mr. Burgundy helped us with our efforts, and naturally, we blame him for the incorrect date on the video.
Goodbye, Mr. Deck (a story in two parts)
I was young once. (Our hero, age 5, above)
Our deck was young once too. But by the time we arrived upon the scene, the deck was a robust 25 years old. In spite of its vintage, it had many roles yet to play, many seasons to endure, and many lazy afternoons filled with flora and fauna. Continue reading “Goodbye, Mr. Deck (a story in two parts)”
Building Permit
Even monkeys need building permits. I was under the vague impression that I would be exempt from any beaurocracy, given my history at Town Hall. And by my history at Town Hall, I refer to the biting incident, but we shall not speak of it now.
What I mean when I say “dabble”
I learned how to hold a hammer.
However, I forgot the crucial rule: measure twice, cut once. Clearly the scale of my building was not appropriate for my… ahem… build.
The word “before” holds much promise. Preparatory to, preceding something, in anticipation of. What am I anticipating you ask? Continue reading “Before”